Forgiving the Girl Inside: A Matter of the Heart
Tune in to hear stories from courageous women who have chosen abortion, loss a child through miscarriage or illness. We are talking authentic transformation from self-abuse to unspeakable joy & peace beyond understanding. Captivating our thoughts & emotions with radical action to step into who God designed us to be without compromising our true-self. If thoughts were a person & came knocking on the door, would you let them in? Probably not. when we change our perspective, we change our path. Mindset is the crux of all we do, it's a matter of the heart and it begins with forgiveness!
Forgiving the Girl Inside: A Matter of the Heart
118. Nature-Heart Centered Matters
It's a matter of the heart.
I was reading the other day about heartbeats, and how powerful they are.
Hearts are everywhere, and our heart is full of emotion.
When we connect our heart, our hearts desire with our thoughts, and we put them in alignment with one another, we get the results we want.
So often, especially as moms, we put ourselves on the back burner, we don't take care of ourselves, we think me time is selfish, and it really impacts our relationships.
Think about how many things are shaped like hearts.
Connect your thoughts with your heart, change your perspective so that you can pursue your heart's desires.
It's a matter of the heart.
I am an Empowerment Mentor & I help courageous women post-abortion, miscarriage, & loss of a child honor heart-centered agreements with themselves without external validation using the power of therapeutic aroma-cognitive behavior.
Join https://www.facebook.com/groups/hearthealinginsideout where courageous women connect with their heart's desires to create limitless abundance.