Forgiving the Girl Inside: A Matter of the Heart
Tune in to hear stories from courageous women who have chosen abortion, loss a child through miscarriage or illness. We are talking authentic transformation from self-abuse to unspeakable joy & peace beyond understanding. Captivating our thoughts & emotions with radical action to step into who God designed us to be without compromising our true-self. If thoughts were a person & came knocking on the door, would you let them in? Probably not. when we change our perspective, we change our path. Mindset is the crux of all we do, it's a matter of the heart and it begins with forgiveness!
136 episodes
E136 Healing From The Choice with Christa Lilly
Join us as Christa Lilly shares her healing journey from her choice to abort in June 2022. A powerful testimony of GOD healing our hearts to bring redemption, forgiveness, and reconciliation.Please join us in the FB Group to get...
Episode 136

135: At A Crossroads with Jenn Taylor
Jenn Taylor is a mom to 18 kids, wife, runner, minimalist, and healthy lifestyle enthusiast. She is a NLP Practitioner with 15+ years in the foster care sector as both a parent and a trainer, 10 years of writing her blog Mom's Running It, and h...
Episode 135

134: The Wisdom of the Body
Leah is a master coach, embodiment expert, yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, and wild woman. She is dedicated to guiding women to find a deeper connection to the body so they can heal the blockages that stand in the way of them and their fr...
133: Authentic Self in Motherhood
Hey Mama, I'm Cassi, and I love helping moms tap into their authentic selves. I'm here to empower you to embrace radical self-love, dream big, and pursue your unique purpose. As a new mom, I was shocked at how brutal this mom world ...
Episode 133

131: Sharing The Secret In The Shadows
Courageous and determined, Rebecca steps out for the very first time to share her story about her abortion and the emotional impact it created.💖💖💖Indulge-Splurge-Have Fun❣️Blissful Money Strategies For Women On A Mission...
Episode 131

132: Finding Your Way Out of the Basement
Patricia Doucet is an inspirational speaker and writer who encourages midlife women who find themselves in the basement of life--to never give up. Having experienced brokenness on many levels in her own life, she knows how it feels to look for ...
Episode 132

130: From Discouraged to EMPOWERED w/Mona Ostrowski
Mona is a person that wears many hats, but first and foremost she sees herself as a wife and a mother. She has been married for 21 years, and has 3 (almost) grown up children. Personal development has been a passion for Mona for over a decade n...
Episode 130

129: From Body Blame to Embodiment with SarahJane Smith
SarahJane is an embodiment teacher and life coach who helps fellow childless not by choice women re-establish trust and connection with themselves and their bodies. For many years, I blamed my body for not doing its job of being abl...
Episode 129

128: I'm Not My Chronic Pain with Elizabeth Kipp
Elizabeth Kipp is a Chronic Pain Specialist, Yoga-Informed Addiction Recovery Coach, Ancestral Clearing® Practitioner, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and international best-selling author of “The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your He...
Episode 128

127: From Suffering In Silence to Becoming a Super Confident Woman
Martha Mok is known as the Super Confidence Coach. She is an author, International motivational speaker, entrepreneur of multiple businesses, and multi-award-winning International makeup artist and hairstylist. She suffered in sile...
Episode 126

126: Inviting the Wild Heart Within
Molly Mandelberg is the Founder of Wild Hearts Rise Up, Creator of “Magnetic Influencer Collective” and also the writer and illustrator of "The Wild Hearts Rise Up Oracle Deck". She is the host of both “Tactical Magic” Podcast and “Reveal...
Episode 127

125: Pursuit of Growth
Alexa Martin is a mindset and life coach that helps high achieving women feel confident and grounded in themselves to unleash their potential and create lives they truly love. After an entire decade of anxiety, an eating disorder and constantly...
Episode 125

124: From Fear to Fierce with Renata Constable
Renata Constable’s story is one of coming face-to-face with the emotional abuse she received as a child and making the journey from fear and negative self-talk to the freedom of self-acceptance through power of empathy. Today, she is on...
Episode 124

Turn your Trials into Triumph with Juli Realy
Juli Realy, founder of Juli for Joy, brings outer fun for inner transformation suffering through pain due to an injury, her organs began to shut down forcing her to retire from her career. Feeling betrayed, hopeless she found healing through re...
Episode 123

122. A Choice Based on Your Heart's Desire
Have you ever asked yourself why? Why do you do what you do? And what about the what ifs? What if you did something differently? We can choose to decide what path we want to take, where we want to work, who we want t...

121. Why We Do What We Do
Having an abortion isn't about politics nor people, it's a personal choice.A choice that we get to make.This choice impacts us for a lifetime.Knowing why we make this choice is the first step to healing.Want to g...

120. Adoption The Unknown Blessing with Regina Smithwick
Regina Smithwick is a beautiful person with an amazing mission. She is the founder of Regina Smithwick enterprises LLC, the creator of the podcast talk show, "Let's talk 1943", a motivational speaker and author of Adoption, The Unknown Blessing...

119. Channeling A New Path
The bright light shined through the hole in the brick wall. It was so beautiful to see it shining through. As I watched the walls crumbling down forming a beautiful garden with sunflowers, I gasped in awe. I never t...

118. Nature-Heart Centered Matters
It's a matter of the heart. I was reading the other day about heartbeats, and how powerful they are.Hearts are everywhere, and our heart is full of emotion. When we connect our heart, our hearts desire with our thoughts,...
Season 3
Episode 3

117. Dear Younger Me
Dear younger me, I had no idea that you would do the things that you did when you had an opportunity to make a different choice. Why would you listen to someone who was not a good influence in your life? Why would you not speak ...
Season 3
Episode 2

116. The Woman in the Mirror with Rachel Goss
Rachel joins us once again to share her healing journey of forgiveness. What does it mean to her?"Forgiveness means to me freedom. It allows me to release negative emotions/feelings that otherwise keep me attached to the past.
Season 3
Episode 1

115. Get Results
Create abundance❣️Honor your heart-centered agreements & create limitless abundance using the therapeutic power of aroma-cognitive behavior. Wealth is all around you.I am an Empowerment Mentor & I help courageous women post-abor...
Season 2
Episode 25

114. Create Limitless Abundance
Create abundance❣️Honor your heart-centered agreements & create limitless abundance using the therapeutic power of aroma-cognitive behavior. Wealth is all around you.I am an Empowerment Mentor & I help courageous women post-abor...
Season 2
Episode 24

113. You Are Forgiven
We made a choice. We felt it was the right one at the right time.From our perspective, there was no hope.You are forgiven.It takes three words to heal.Make the choice with this simple sentence.Cre...
Season 2
Episode 23

112. Stigma Shames & Silences w/Rachel Goss
Rachel shares her personal experience of keeping the secret of abortion at age 16. For the first time, she shares her story with you."Stigma shames and silences women who seek abortions. It's another example of where we as a humanity pr...
Season 2
Episode 22