Forgiving the Girl Inside: A Matter of the Heart
Tune in to hear stories from courageous women who have chosen abortion, loss a child through miscarriage or illness. We are talking authentic transformation from self-abuse to unspeakable joy & peace beyond understanding. Captivating our thoughts & emotions with radical action to step into who God designed us to be without compromising our true-self. If thoughts were a person & came knocking on the door, would you let them in? Probably not. when we change our perspective, we change our path. Mindset is the crux of all we do, it's a matter of the heart and it begins with forgiveness!
Forgiving the Girl Inside: A Matter of the Heart
122. A Choice Based on Your Heart's Desire
Have you ever asked yourself why?
Why do you do what you do? And what about the what ifs?
What if you did something differently?
We can choose to decide what path we want to take, where we want to work, who we want to spend our time with.
We can make plans, but we really don't know what's going to happen not even in the next five minutes.
We get to choose.
Reserve your spot: Seven Steps to Stop Self-Sabotage: https://lisadrennon.com